Worked Speechwriter
Hello everyone! I have a lot of time on his blog wrote about the copywriters, and now it’s time to talk about who is the speechwriter. Our society today cannot be imagined without the intensive exchange of information. This was the reason for the new development rhetoric, there are new types of speech, strategies of action, new kinds of texts. Special attention in our time is the art of monologue, dialogue, persuasion. This is a new branch of rhetoric called «speechwriting».
This buzzword is only at first glance means something new, a strange profession. However, this speciality exists for a long time. Under this concept mean writing texts for public speeches of politicians, public figures, heads of companies.
Speechwriter – what is the essence of his work?
The speechwriter takes into account all the nuances when writing text: the purpose of the speech, promising the audience, the character of the speaker, his vocabulary, manner of speech and is the text that will produce in the listener the proper impression. The specifics of the speechwriter is that it must always remain in the shadows. What is noticeable is his job, the better for his career.speechwriter
A good speechwriter has the following traits: humanitarian mindset, communicative culture, professional skills of working with text, ability to clearly and concisely Express their thoughts in writing, erudition and high culture, professional training as a specialist in public relations, creativity, emotional stability in stressful situations, responsibility.
However, the basic requirement to person the speechwriter is excellent knowledge of word, both orally and in writing. The specialist should not only competently and accurately to Express ideas, but also masterly use of language figures.
Speechwriter – his functions and tasks.
Main tasks, functions and responsibilities speechwriter specified in the regulations. The speechwriter performs the following functions:
— background documentation of the enterprise;
— quick and effective writing releases, articles, reports;
— documentation of meetings of the company;
— operational organizational maintenance manual.
Speechwriting is divided into:
— political (intended for political leaders);
— business (designed for managers).
In its work, the speechwriter should be able to use different types of speech:
information (communication about objects, events, processes, concepts);
— persuasive (aims to change the behavior of the listener, and affect his consciousness, feelings);
— special (ceremonial, festive, mourning, informal speech).
The composition of the text of the speech requires special speechwriter careful preparation. Here it is possible to allocate following stages:
— interview with person who will make a speech with the purpose of gathering information about the person (his views on an issue that will be covered, personal qualities);
— gathering information about the place of the speech, the audience;
— concentration on the theme of the speech;
— writing of the plan and approval of the speakers;
— writing of speech;
— rehearsal of speech.
The speech circuit has the following structure:
— tell about your achievements;
— to prove that you can rely on;
— to outline future prospects.
It is important to pay special attention to the collection of information – all sources should be reliable.
The speechwriter uses different methods of collecting data in order to more fully encompass the essence of the issues that will be covered: study of the history of the issue, a special database of television and the Internet.
Selection of illustrative and digital material makes it more correct, clear, and convincing. In its work, the speechwriter should be present only proven facts. The main points can be emphasized.
You can cite statistical data, but will provide speech persuasiveness. When writing a speech you can use humor, catch phrases, sayings, quotes.
For registration of official documents, there are also certain requirements: conformity to purpose, reliability, validity, accurate structure, convenience in processing. All these should be considered by the speechwriter.
Official documents must be drawn up in accordance with regulatory requirements, according to the state standards. The main documents, which the speechwriter: a management letter, report, act, report, speech.
This type of activity, although it requires special training and special qualities, is very interesting and promising.
I wish you success!